Business succession within the family and outside the family

  1. <p>Ascertaining company status and internal controls structure</p>

    Ascertaining company status and internal controls structure

    • Verifying the feasibility, timing, and challenges of an IPO
    • Preparing and issuing research reports
    • Verification of short review by audit firm etc.
  2. <span>Support for IPO scheduling and development of an IPO preparatory structure</span>

    Support for IPO scheduling and development of an IPO preparatory structure

    • Proposing IPO schedules
    • Support for development of an IPO preparatory structure, including setting up an IPO preparations office
    • Drafting and following up on implementation of capital policies
  3. <p>Support for implementing the IPO</p>

    Support for implementing the IPO

    • Follow up on IPO preparations in accordance with the IPO schedule
    • Follow up on listing on higher-ranked exchanges after the IPO
  1. M&A

    M&A activities take the following flow: first, find a prospective buyer, and then the prospective buyer reviews the details of the company. If there are no problems in reviews, negotiation begins on prices and other factors and finally a sales agreement is concluded. In such a case, we provide comprehensive advisory services to both buyer and seller as financial advisors.
    We also consider optimal M&A schemes through tax simulation and offer consulting services such as support for increasing corporate value through business planning and other means.
    >>See the M&A Services page for more details

  2. MBO/EBO

    When company management or employees will succeed the business, the issue arises of how they will succeed company stock, since such parties usually are lacking in funds. Generally, management or employees will set up a holding company, raise funds, and then have that company buy the shares or merge with the target company. We provide advice on capital structures and other matters and assistance with merger and other activities in such cases.

  3. IPO

    One method of resolving the issue of the difficulty of converting shares in a privately held company to cash is through an IPO. An IPO involves a wide range of challenges including drafting capital policies, establishing governance structures including internal rules and internal controls, and preparing financial statements and timely disclosure documents based on corporate accounting standards.With a wealth of IPO knowledge and experience, our advisors provide support for your IPO.


Feel free to contact us with any inquiries on taxes, accounting, etc.

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