Management consulting

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<h4>Identification/analysis of actual state of business conditions</h4>

    Identification/analysis of actual state of business conditions

    1.Business analysis
    2.Analysis of qualitative information
    3.Analysis of quantitative information
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<h4>Management planning</h4>

    Management planning

    1.Management planning
    2.Proposals on developing various systems
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<h4>Support for implementing management plans/follow-up analysis</h4>

    Support for implementing management plans/follow-up analysis

    1.Analysis of management plans
    2.Various follow-up services
  1. Consulting on management planning and implementation

    Amid today’s dramatically changing business conditions, in order to survive and grow, it is essential that companies draft strategies and formulate and implement management plans that combine a vision for the future and flexibility. We offer a wide range of services that help not only to set numerical targets based on financial analysis but also to identify and resolve issues that could make it more difficult to achieve management plans, through measures including analysis of planned vs. actual results, performance management, and development of budget control systems.

  2. Responding to systemic changes/information provision

    Our entire organization works together as one to swiftly gather and organize information on systemic reforms, including annual tax reforms. In this way, we consider and propose individual support policies suited to the conditions that our clients face. We also provide clients with timely information on internal seminars. Through these efforts, combined with sending our bulletin Message, we deliver information on subjects including systemic reforms and the latest topics.

  3. Other consulting services

    Our teams of experts help to resolve the taxation and financial issues clients face, through services including IPO consultingconsulting on internal controlsIFRS consulting, and consulting on adoption of consolidated taxation systems.


Feel free to contact us with any inquiries on taxes, accounting, etc.

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