Consulting on setting up public-interest corporations

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<h4>General corporation established</h4>

    General corporation established

    • Studying content of business
    • Structuring corporate design
    • Preparing articles of association
    • Choosing officers and others
    • Formulating various rules
    • Formulating business plans etc.
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<h4>Application under Article 40 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation</h4>

    Application under Article 40 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation

    ※Application also may take place after attaining nonprofit certification

    • Satisfaction of requirements for tax exemption
    • Preparing application forms
    • Prior consultation with tax authorities etc.
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<h4>Attaining nonprofit certification</h4>

    Attaining nonprofit certification

    • Satisfying requirements for certification
    • Amending articles of association
    • Preparing application forms
    • Prior consultation with regulators etc.
  1. Establishment of general corporations

    We provide support for giving concrete form to projects through discussion with clients, to realize their visions of giving something to society. We also propose corporate designs that satisfy certain requirements to ensure that donated assets will not be taxable.

  2. Applications under Article 40 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation

    In principle, capital gains tax applies to the donations when an individual donates stocks or other assets to a public-interest corporation or similar organization. However, when the organization satisfies certain requirements and has applied for tax exemption to the National Tax Agency, they could be exempted from capital-gains tax.
    We provide support to gain approval of this application for tax exemption (application under Article 40 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation).

  3. Attaining nonprofit certification

    Once a corporation has attained the status of a nonprofit foundation, it must satisfy certain requirements in areas such as the content of its business and finances in order to enjoy beneficial tax treatment.
    We provide support for quickly earning nonprofit status, through making clear any problems related to attaining such status and formulating and implementing solutions to them.


Feel free to contact us with any inquiries on taxes, accounting, etc.

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